Hi, welcome to my blog! My name is Zion's Lord of Titans, but you can call me Kronos.
Six Months
I'm getting really big! 26" tall and 81 lbs (Abby may be taller, but I weigh more)
Mom, do I really have to wear this hat?
This is my special look. If l look at Mom like this, she will give me anything I want!
Abby shares her toys
Abby, Mom said you were supposed to share your toys with me. Ma!! Tell her to share!!
At the Vet's with Karen
Here I am, getting ready for my flight to Virginia. My new family is visiting Grandma and Grandpa! I guess this means that I get to meet the whole gang! (Thanks to Karen and Tina for the great photo!)
Waiting for Little Brother
We are getting a little brother. Although from the picture Mom showed us, he doesn't look so little! We heard Mom and Dad want to name him Lord Kronos. What's up with that name?